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How to make a website appear in Google News in 2024?

Google is always the dominator of the search engine landscape. This is the main reason why website operators look for new ways to bring traffic from there to their platform.

Website appear in Google News is a strategy that allows you to shift your attention to your content, thanks to the visibility that this feature gives to the most important news.

If in the past being considered for inclusion on Google News involved multiple steps, today the procedure is much simpler and more intuitive.

The Google team said publishers are considered based on the quality of content and adherence to guidelines. How to insert content on the Google News site?

Table of contents:

  • Why should you bring your website appear in Google News?
  • What to do to get on Google News
  • Top tips for getting content into Google News
  • The mistakes you don’t have to make if you want your site to appear in Google News
  • Point out to Big G your online information portal

Why should you bring your website appear in Google News?

Google News is a condensation of news from all over the world. They are shown according to different parameters such as user preferences and interests, relevance and updating of content.

Bringing a website to Google News is an opportunity to gain more visibility and increase traffic to your platform. In fact, more than 60% of people trust Google News over other online sources of information. This gives companies that are published in this context extraordinary benefits.

Trust is one of those key elements to differentiate yourself from competitors, so you can influence user behavior both before the click and after. Investing time and money in your site means making sure that the strategy implemented leads to concrete results.

What to do to get on Google News

As with any content optimization action for Google, you must follow precise guidelines and best practices for your content at the top.

Of course, the first step is to create content that is relevant, timely, and of interest to the audience that follows Google News. These must then be original and easily readable. If your site contains low-quality or self-generated content, none of it will make it into the Google News section.

So, you need to make informative posts that are carefully written and well-structured, and that do not present excessive distractions such as videos, advertisements, and so on. Within this content, you must also demonstrate high competence, experience and trust.

Google News also takes into account several technical factors that you need to meet. Some of these are part of traditional elements of SEO positioning, while others are specifically part of Google News rules.

Added to these are the guidelines regarding quality, present in every aspect of Google’s ethics.

In any case, remember that trying to insert all your pages is a non-winning tactic that will lead you to failure. Content must be specific and must not contain elements based on marketing, or public relations and cannot be something promotional.

Top tips for getting content into Google News

Some strategies can help you get your content to appear on Google News. The first concerns the fact of paying careful attention to the basic factors. In fact, the content of the news must be labeled as such and, in addition, must meet the following points:

  • have a unique sub-folder;
  • have a descriptive URL that reflects the topic of the content;
  • it must be accessible, load quickly and be rich in information;
  • It must have value, be current and be supported by data.

We suggest, therefore, to publish news consistently and to do so consistently. So, insert new content every day or at most every week, but don’t fall into the mistake of uploading ten articles in a single day and then stopping for a whole month.

Remember, too, that any information must be easy to read and must engage the reader. The more quality signals, the more successful it will be.

Another key step is creating a news sitemap for your site, which needs to be unique. You can submit it directly to Google and report content that meets its guidelines, highlighting content that is most likely to provide the results you’re looking for.

As with any site map, this can speed up and improve Google’s success rate in finding your content and making it appear in search results.

Finally, another key factor you need to pay attention to is the relevance of your search terms, i.e. optimizing your article for specific keywords. The most important and recent news related to the topic of the keyword will be displayed in the most important section of Google News.

If your site addresses a topic specifically, you’ll be more likely to rank on this platform than other sites that publish few articles on that topic.

Google News also takes into account, in particular, the degree of authority from the source and looks for signals of the following parameters: E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.

The mistakes you don’t have to make if you want your site to appear in Google News

In addition to the requirements to be part of Google News, you need to be clear about the mistakes to avoid. First of all, we reiterate that quality is fundamental. Avoid duplicate content and publish original information.

An often underestimated factor is the updating of news already published. If you don’t make any material changes, don’t update the publication date and time. You should only do this if you add important information to your articles.

Finally, a mistake that many make is not to look for adequate information on Google News guidelines. Although in this article we have tried to summarize them, you must always deepen every aspect in an exhaustive way.

So, we suggest you read the official Google News policies very carefully and analyze each section of the guides.

Point out to Big G your online information portal

Listing your site on Google News is a great help to get you much more traffic from your specific target audience. In addition, it is a type of strategy that allows you to show the public your reliability, authority and significantly increases your online visibility. Attention to detail and quality are aspects that Big G takes particularly into consideration.

As can be deduced, Google News is mainly aimed at magazines, newspapers and online information portals that can benefit in terms of visibility. If you already own or intend to start a similar project, you will know that you will have to rely on an infrastructure that guarantees high performance and a pool of dedicated resources. Our Private Clouds deliver optimal performance with storage that can support demanding workloads, ideally for projects that require maximum read and write speeds.



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